Happy (Winter or Summer) Solstice wherever you are! I love this date on our calendar because it’s all about *light*.

I’m going to do some end of year journaling this evening by the light of a candle and Christmas lights, writing out what there was to be grateful for this year among the ups and downs we’ve pretty much all had during 2022.

Thinking of those who passed away this year, or are struggling for different reasons.

And feeling so grateful for two beautiful people who came into my life this year literally right out of “nowhere”from two different countries – thanks to random crossings of our paths and magical timing, I am so sure that meeting them was written in the stars.

Much as it’s gorgeous to see the sun on a bright summer’s morning, there’s something deeply comforting, reassuring and hopeful about lights twinkling in the dark.

And it makes my heart sing to think that the days here start getting longer – not so long to wait now for the uplifting lighter, warmer spring evenings that will come around again.

And perhaps it’s our *own light* that shines the brightest of all: our super power to uplift others and raise the whole vibration and energy of a home or a room or a moment…visiting someone in hospital or a care home, a brief chat with a stranger, a cashier, the guy at the petrol station, a quick and cheery “good morning!”, and listening with your ears and heart to someone who’s disappointed or down.

The ability to be the light of someone’s life.

My postman is like this, he’s the cheeriest man for miles around, despite lugging boxes full of beauty products up the stairs in the run up to the Awards.

I love him – he’s such a smiley breath of fresh air and somehow always has time for a few words every day about his little son’s first birthday or the weather being weird.

Today I’m taking the day off to think about and plan a few things for next year.

In early January there’s a tsunami of work ahead compiling the 2023 Awards feedback and judging sheets but I mostly look forward to it – despite the long hours in front of a screen which are hard on the eyes – because it’s just so interesting seeing why certain brands resonate emotionally, stand out and shine brighter than others. And discovering young, new brands.

Which brings us back to: the LIGHT.

Happy Solstice, however you’re celebrating this special time and wherever you are xx



