Ohhh pink! That perfectly balanced blend of red (hot passion/love) and white (purity/cleanliness).
Pink, in all of its Pantone shades symbolises compassion, caring, and (in psychology) hope and warmth and a general feeling of safety and comfort.
“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles
Pink ballet shoes, pink peonies, pink lips, pink nails, pink hair, pink sunsets, a soft pink blanket for a new baby girl…
So here are some of our favourite natural pinks (including lots of glosses for those who’ve been asking “I want to switch to a more natural lipstick/gloss, do you know any?” Yes we do…
BENECOS Lip Gloss “Rose”
KURE BAZAAR Free-from nail shades
TROPIC SKINCARE Lip Glaze “Candy Pop” (return 5 Lip Glazes, get one FREE)
NUDE BY NATURE Moisture Infusion Lip Gloss “Tea Rose”
LILY LOLO Mineral Blush “Candy Girl”
INIKA Lip Glaze in “Blossom”
DR LIPP Moisturising Colour Tint (3 to choose from this one’s Sweet Potato)
MAVALA Mini in “Riga”
ERE PEREZ Beetroot Cheek and Lip Tint